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About Cook's Coaching Corner

HEY! Thanks for stopping by.

I'm Ora Cook your mindset and Personal development coach.
Let me tell you a little about my purpose.

God endowed you with everything needed for an abundant, joyous, successful life. You are intelligent, talented, sufficiently gifted for fulfilling the purpose, dreams, and ambitions He placed within you. You were set up to “have life and have it more abundantly.

BUT …as life unfolded…. you felt and believed that you are everything but wonderful and marvelous. Adversities, trials, mistakes, racism, sexism, abuse, and society’ stereotypes have left you feeling battered, wounded, defeated, and worthless.

Your self-esteem and confidence have been greatly deflated and tarnished.
You were made to feel incapable of achieving anything so you abandoned your dreams and aspirations.
Life seems like a big joke, a major disappointment.
An abundant life… please…what is that?

STILL …there is something within that won’t let you give up, will not allow you to lie down and die.
There is a yell that only you can hear; that keeps telling you to press on. It’s saying that there is more…more waiting to come out, that your dreams and desires are still possible despite your experiences.

Believe me I completely understand how you feel. I have been there and some days I feel I’m still there.
Growing up was very trying for me. There was not much positive reinforcement and encouragement. Often, I was belittled by family, friends, and even church members. I was often made to feel like I was stupid, ugly, and incapable and that my opinions and values did not matter.

These and other circumstances left me deeply scarred. My self-esteem was bruised. I didn’t think I was worthy of love or success and I felt that everything I did, I did wrong. I would not speak up for or defend myself. I didn’t know how to love myself. I held myself back from so many opportunities.

NEVERTHELESS… through all of this, there was something within that wouldn’t let me settle in that space. A better self-image was fighting to be released. I believe this is the case for everyone who needs healing in these areas.

There is someone fighting to be released.If any of this resonates with you, as your coach, I will walk along side of you as you begin the process of living the life you were created for.

I will provide the tools and guidance needed to develop your self-esteem and confidence. I want to help you believe again, believe in yourself, your dreams, your gifts, and talents.

Yes, regardless of what you have experienced, an abundant life is still possible.
After all, God tells us that your latter will be better than you former. You do believe that, don’t you?

As a client of Cook’s Coaching Corner, you will:

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Meet Your Coach

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Hey there, my name is Ora Cook and I am a coach, social worker, freelance writer, and motivational speaker.

My purpose is to inspire women who are struggling to fulfill their purpose in life due to problems they incurred. These obstacles left many of us dealing with low self-esteem, fear, insecurity, and damaging emotions, just to name a few.

All of us have a purpose to fulfill, but because of these negative elements, we feel as though we cannot. My purpose is to provide you with the tools needed to help restore your faith in yourself and your ability.

I have two wonderful children. I went to college in North Carolina where I studied business administration. I also have master degrees in social work and practical theology.

When I’m not working, coaching or writing, I enjoy going to the beach and pool even though I am not much of a swimmer. I find water soothing and relaxing. It helps me to feel closer to God.

One of my hobbies is traveling, especially internationally. I have a creative spirit, love the use of color, particularly red. I’m slowing trying to get back into sewing, something I gave up when my children were very young.

Reading is something I also enjoy. It expands my mind and helps me to reach for the impossible.

Book look for fear journal #2

Overcoming Fear Journal

A 7-Day journal that will help you overcome your fears.