Emotional Healing Is Possible

By Ora Cook

The Word of God says, “The thief comes to kill, steal, and destroy.” What is he trying to kill, steal, and destroy?  Our mental and emotional wellbeing.

He does this by producing situations which leave us wounded and devastated. Causing us to believe there isn’t anything of worth, importance, or value left in us. Resulting in feelings of uselessness. We feel useless to humanity, useless to ourselves, and most importantly, useless to God.

What could have caused such feelings of worthlessness? Being victims of mental, emotional, and sexual abuse. Many times the abuser was someone who was supposed to provide a loving and safe environment.  Growing up in homes that were plagued with drugs, alcohol, and domestic violence has also traumatized many.

As a child, you were often told you were ugly and unattractive or that you were dumb and stupid. As a result, you grew up believing you would never be loved or worthy of a healthy relationship.

The effects of the emotional wounds extended beyond childhood. Because of low self-esteem, you became involved in unhealthy relationships. And, those relationships led to a slew of other problems.  Also, let’s not forget the psychological wounds caused by racism and sexism.  These are only a few of the situations which left so many battled weary.

Although delivered from those circumstances, the battle scars are still present. Scars of low self-esteem, insecurity, and trust, issues, acceptance, and validation.

\"Woman Emotional healing provides inner peace

Yet, despite the mental and emotional injuries, there is an internal fight to be free from this life of brokenness. There is that quiet small voice which is always saying, “There has to be more to me than this. These limiting thoughts and beliefs do not line up with what God says about me.”

The question then becomes how do I overcome this mindset of brokenness? Is healing possible? How do I develop into the person God designed me to become?

To be free from brokenness, there must be healing. Healing from the negative mindset that is always trying to defeat us. God does not want us to remain in this state. How do I know? Because John 10:10, says “I have come that you might have life and have it more abundantly.\” And since we know His Word does not come back void, healing is possible.

Follow me as I provide tools, coaching, and guidance that will lead you to those places of healing.


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