Three Steps to Achieving a Peaceful Life

PEACE, a word with one meaning which expresses the need for a life of peacefulness in different ways.

  • As a greeting, “Peace, my brother or sister.”
  • When departing “Peace out.”
  • To prevent or stop a heated conversation we say, “I held my peace.”
  • When life becomes overwhelming, it’s common to hear, “I need to go someplace where I can have some peace.”

Regardless of the context, peace is a virtue we are seeking for ourselves or desiring for others.  Yet, as much as we yearn for a life of peacefulness, getting and maintaining it is difficult.

Why is that?

There is so much happening in our lives. We struggle with finances, illness, family, and employment issues. And lately COVID-19 and the spillover of Blacks killed by police.

How with these things on my mind when I lay down and greeting me at the dawn of each day, am I supposed to live in tranquility? We look at our situations and wonder if living in peace is an illusion.

Most of us assume for life to be peaceful there must be mental and emotional calmness. Or situations and circumstances void of anxiety, turmoil, disharmony, and difficulties.  Since it is impossible to live without encountering any of the above, we’ve concluded a peaceful life is an impossibility.

Yet, despite life’s trying situations, a continual state of peacefulness is obtainable.

Jesus assures us of this in John 16:33. He teaches that in this world we will have trouble, but despite our trouble, because of Him, we can have peace.  This is a promise from Christ to His followers.  The question then becomes how do we activate this promise?

\"The Life of peacefulness comes from God

God would never promise us anything without providing a blueprint for achieving it. We find the blueprint for continuous peace in Philippians 4:7.

According to this Scripture, there are three things we need to do to ensure peace will always be in our lives.  They are:

  1. Take our concerns, God
  2. Pray Intensely
  3.  Give thanks in advance

Let’s examine each one

Taking our concerns to God.

Anxiety does not render any positive results. It is a futile action. Worrying cannot put food on your table, clothes on your back, heal you, or restore your family.

Instead of allowing anxiety to control us, God teaches us to bring everything to Him.  A simple act, but something many struggle with doing. We would rather battle with trying to resolve our problems instead of giving them to God.

The bottom line is if we are to be free from anxiety, we need to bring everything to our heavenly Father.

What is important to us is important to God. There isn’t a situation too small, too complicated, or too embarrassing for God to hear and receive.  Although God already knows what is going on in our lives, He wants us to trust Him enough to lay our concerns at His feet.

\"Life Life of peacefulness

 Praying intensely

After submitting our concerns, we are to pray about them. Prayer is a talk with God. There isn’t any format or particular wording required. It’s pouring out our hearts to someone who loves and wants the best for us.

Our prayers should be sincere, focused, and detailed. Also, be ready to do repeat performances. Prayer is not an onetime act. There are some situations that God resolves after hearing us pray one time. But usually, there is a waiting period before receiving our answer. And if we are to be real, this is what most of us dislike. We want what we want when we want it. God does not work that way.

Prayer includes being patient enough to hear what He is saying. Like any discussion, prayer requires a willingness to speak as well as listen.

Giving thanks in Advance

Giving thanks is the most important part of obtaining peace.

Normally, we render thanks after an occurrence. But God tells us to say thank you before receiving the answer to our prayers.

\"\" Life of peacefulness includes love.

Thanking God in advance activates our faith and trust in Him. It means we believe our prayers are answered.  Mark 11:24 says when we pray to pray, as though we have already received the answer to our prayers. Based on this reasoning, it is only natural to say thank you while waiting for our answers to materialize.

Implementing these steps will not only result in a peaceful life, but a peace we can’t understand. A peace we can’t explain. A peace we don’t have to explain. A peace that allows us to relax in Him.

Once we apply these steps does it mean life will be without struggles? Does it mean we will never be troubled about things? Absolutely Not! Remember what Jesus said, you will have troubles in this world. There’s no getting around that. However, what matters is how we respond when we encounter the problem.


Now may the Lord of peace Himself continually grant you peace in every circumstance.  2 Thessalonians 3:16, NASB Version.

Thou will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You because he trusts in You. Isaiah 26:3, NKJV.




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